Academic programs

Introduction Objective Program Structure  Road Map

Program Introduction

The Associate Degree in Data Sciences program offers a comprehensive blend of computing and data analysis skills essential for today’s digital landscape. This program is designed to equip students with proficiency in programming, algorithms, database management, and statistical analysis.  This program fosters practical application through hands-on learning. Emphasizing critical thinking and problem-solving, graduates will be prepared for diverse career paths in fields like business intelligence and data analytics, making significant contributions to data-driven decision-making across industries.


Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs): Throughout the program, students will achieve the following Program Learning Outcomes:

  1. Utilize programming languages, algorithms, and data structures to manipulate and analyze data effectively.
  2. Collect, clean, and interpret data using statistical methods and data visualization techniques to derive meaningful insights.
  3. Design and manage databases to store, retrieve, and manipulate data securely and efficiently.
  4. Apply basic algorithms to build predictive models and make data-driven decisions.
  5. Present and communicate data analysis findings clearly and effectively to stakeholders using appropriate visualizations and reports.


Program Details


Duration:                             4 years

Entry Requirements:      FSc Pre-Engineering, ICS, and FSc Pre-Medical (Deficiency Courses) with        minimum 50% marks and no 3rd division in matriculation.

In case of A Level, American High School Diploma or any other equivalent foreign qualification, an equivalence certificate FSc Pre-Engineering, ICS, and FSc Pre-Medical (Deficiency Courses) from IBCC is mandatory.

50% passing marks in NAT/Admission Test are required for admission     

Program Type:                  Morning

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